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New Mommy Must Haves

New Mommy Must Haves

 - BLANKET - William gave me this incredibly soft blanket from Barefoot Dreams on my last birthday. Since then, I haven't traveled without it. And when I went into the hospital to have JB, my leopard blanket went right along with me. It made me feel secure while being there.

 - SOAP - We are really big into organic soaps. When Adrienne was a baby I used Johnson's and Johnson's baby shampoo. And a few years later I learned about all the terrible ingredients in that soap. I was horrified. Now, I steer clear of any soaps with sulfates, parabens, phthalates, paraffins, formaldehyde, propylene glycol, petrolatum, synthetic color, and synthetic fragrance listed in their ingredients. We love Shea Moisture and Dr. Bronner's baby soaps.

 - SWADDLERS - I can't live with out Aden + Anais muslin swaddle blankets. They are perfect for warm days to throw over the baby, or to swaddle the baby up for colder days. I never leave the house without one.

- NURSING COVER - If you plan on breastfeeding, you will need a nursing cover. When I nursed Adrienne, I would go into another room, put my cover on, and feed her. Now, I just put my cover on and nurse anywhere. I don't give an F. Motherhood will do that to you.

 - BABY RING SLING - I'm super into baby wearing this time around. Mainly because my little guy is in straight baby koala mode 24/7. I have a Moby wrap, but really don't care much for all the time and effort it takes to put the thing on. And when I get JB into it, he poops, so I have to take the whole thing back off. But with a ring sling, you just put it over a shoulder, put baby in, and you are good to go.

 - NURSING PILLOW - These things are another essential breast-feeding-mommy need. You can lay your baby on one to breastfeed and have your hands free (to eat, work on the computer, etc).

 - PACIFIER - There's just something about these little pacifiers. The soft little animal keeps pacis from getting lost, and they are easy for little hands to grab on to!

 - CHEW TOY - A baby needs one of these, as they're pretty much a drug to them. I don't know if it's their smell, squeak, or maybe just their shape, but babies are drawn to these giraffes. Adrienne still plays with hers!

 - LOVIE - Every child needs a lovie. It can be a stuffed animal, blanket, or whatever they end up loving. I had a pillow named "Poke" when I was a little kid. Adrienne has a stuffed lamb named "Little Lamb." And now, JB has a rabbit lovie from Angel Dear. These lovies are incredibly soft. And adorable.

 - PAPASAN SWING - If there was one thing that I couldn't live without would be one of these swings. Even though I practice attachment parenting, I do need to put the baby down every once in a while for my own sanity. I put JB in this swing and he falls right to sleep. Every. Single. Time.

- LANOLIN - Life savor for sore nipples. Enough said.

 - DIAPER BAG - I always go for one that holds a ton and could double as a big purse after the baby stage.

- CLOTH DIAPERS - For this baby, we have gone down the cloth diaper route. I absolutely love cloth diapers. I know exactly what is on my baby's bottom and I haven't had one blow out. I have had a few blow outs when I've had to put JB in disposables, though. They come in so many cute colors and prints, too!

Annie Britches WINNER

Congrats Lucy S. for winning a set of twenty wipes from Annie Britches! I will be contacting you shortly! A big thanks to everyone who entered! I will be having another giveaway in the next few weeks that you won't want to miss!

New Baby

Obviously we are having wins all around. Because, you guys, baby JB is finally here! I've basically taken the past two months off from blogging to hang with muh little family. And to recover from the whole having a baby ordeal. Hello c-section, you were intense.

BUT- JB is so amazing. His decision to come three weeks early sent us into a scare, but he was ready to get into the real world. And nurse. Because that's all he wants to ever do.

He was born weighing 5 pounds 12 ounces with a head full of hair. He was tiny, but completely filled out. And he was/is perfectly healthy, too.

I can't believe he is here. And that we made him! What the ever loving what?!

Oh, and when we had his two week checkup, he weighed 8 pounds. The kid is growing. With him being five weeks now, who knows how much he weighs. I'm guessing 10.

He is fat. And we are so very in love with this child.

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