Keep your dreams alive. Always.

Does Any of This Really Matter?
If Eminem knew me, he'd be so proud. 'Cause I'm cleaning out my closet. Freals. I should have taken a before picture. Just imagine a closet that ate one two many sundresses, choked down 45 pairs of blue jeans (that I never ever wear), and finished it off with an endless amount of shoes puddin'. Then threw everything up. I don't know what I am even trying to say. I can't get rid of my clothes. And they don't fit in my closet anymore. That's my point. Bedazzled Monica Lewinsky beret? Can't part with it. I haven't given anything away since I gave Aunt Tay Tay a silver leather skirt from Neiman's that could have easily been the jiffy pop aluminum that they used in the ballon boy hoax. One may never know.
Switching gears and taking a much needed break from Closetgate, today's post is basically a chain letter of sorts. YES!! You member, once you've been tagged, you have to write things about yourself kind of survey? Well, I've be suckered in. Only because I want you to read about the hauteur and self-importance I exude when I take time out to write 10 random tidbits on, you guessed it, me. I kid. But I couldn't pass this up.
Picture of me. Had to include one. That's the rule. And you can tell by my face, I am so excited to be doing one of these.
- I don't really like babysitting other kids. That sounds awful. I don't have the patience.
- I can't swim. I can doggie paddle. Needless to say, I always have on my life jacket.
- I love shabby chic decor. I am slowly turning everything into it. Slowly. But. Surely.
- My bedtime is nonexistent. I wish I could go to bed early and wake up early. Alas, it never happens like that.
- My natural hair color is a dark, dirty blonde.
- I am obsessed with photos. But, I need a new camera. I will take donations.
- My first job was a waitress. I hate the food industry.
- I own an excessive amount of candles and lamps.
- I love wrapping presents.
- I don't mind the smell of sharpies, nail polish, or gasoline. I don't really mind a skunk smell, either.
Now, some questions for yours truly:
1. have you ever met someone famous?
I've met many musicians.
2. what is your happiest childhood memory?
Playing Barbies with my mom. We would set up a huge mall on the floor with all my Barbie playsets.
3. favorite album of all time?
Very hard question. I could listen to any Nightmares on Wax album and be content.
4. are you a salty or sweet lover?
Half and half. I need both to survive.
5. what is favorite guilty pleasure tv show or movie?
Reality T.V. as in Keeping Up With The Kardashians and the Real Housewives of any place. Love em.
6. describe your favorite sandwich.
Meh. Any kind of spicy meat on some bread is a-okay with me. Not a big sandwich fan.
7. what was your first pet?
My first pet was a cat. I named her AimeeKitty. Narcissism at a young age.
8. what is your biggest accomplishment thus far in life?
Mos def my child. She is the best thing I have ever created.
9. what is the first blog you started reading?
Love Maegan. She made me want to become part of the blogosphere.
10. if you had to choose one dessert for the rest of your life, what would it be?
This sounds incredibly awful. I would pick brownies.
Weekly Wrap Up
Tonight has been a good closer to the week. Adrienne's Aunt "Tay Tay" came over and we all ate supper together. Good talks and good fun. Oh yea, and wine. My kind of evening. But, I am easy like Sunday morning. Night. Whichever.
We played outside a ton this past week. Beautiful weather. I got sunburned and my child got skinned knees. Charge it to the game.
My little fashion queen and her buddy got to have lunch outside. Puzzles, sippy cups, and chicken nugs. It doesn't get much better than that.
First time swinging by herself. Even though she looks uneasy about it in this pic, she loved her new accomplishment. Like not wanting to stop kind of love.
I don't know what this pose is about. Nor do I understand why I have such a hunk of junk camera. I mean I know the latter. I haven't dropped the dough on a good one.
My camera doesn't even do this justice. You can't tell, but this shawl has the sparkles. I love this thing. Perfect for the spring and fall months. I've gotten so many compliments on it already. It's c/o Heady Candy.
This week was the first time I have ever boiled a chicken. Ever. I know that sounds ridic. I just never knew it was that easy. I think I tend to overlook the easy stuff. Just dive right into the hard. I have problems. I made chicken and dumplins, and, boy, was it good.
My fashion queen. She loves picking out her attire. She hates the paparazzi. Us photogs usually get the side eye.
At the wedding on Saturday. William didn't get to sit through the ceremony. He almost tripped over my purse trying to get our kid out of there fast enough. No one wanted to hear her yell, "I did it!" after she finished a game on my phone.
Winsome Words Wednesday on Saturday
My whole week has been ever so slightly off. Somehow I've lost a day. How in the world is it the weekend already? I have no idea. We had a wedding this afternoon. Surprised we even made it, considering I was thinking today was Friday. I have never been a big fan of weddings. If it doesn’t involve me, I'm less than interested. Kidding. The celebration was really nice, and I'm very happy for them. They deserved this wonderful day.
Since I haven't uploaded any pictures and forgot my Wednesday post of quotes, I decided to do it tonight. Enjoy.
Candy Coded
I'm in super lust with this clothing site called Frock Candy. They have locations in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Destin, Florida, plus an online store. So, next time I'm down in their neck of the woods, I'm for sure stopping in. I've been craving some good seafood. I'd literally kill someone for a bowl of shrimp gumbo and those leather boots right now. I jest, I jest.
Sunny Spinach
Today was such a good day. We got to spend another beautiful day outside. It was in the high seventies, with wind so strong, we almost felt like the ocean was a skip away. Gosh. I. wish. it. was. Some people have all the luck. I even got sunburned. Sorry skin. First gorgeous day of the year. I had to get as much vitamin D as I could.
Anywhereismyaloevera, here's a super easy recipe I whipped together when I had no idea what to cook for supper recently. I knew I had some chicken breasts, spinach, and cheese. Voila. Done deal. I just need to stop being so crazy with the Lysol, trying to disinfect my counters after messing with chicken. Ick.
Chicken and Spinach Roll Ups
|| ingredients ||
3 Chicken Breasts
Frozen Spinach
3 slices of Provolone Cheese
Feta Cheese
Garlic Powder
Salt and Pepper (to taste)
- Cook spinach in microwave according to package. Preheat oven to 425.
- Wash and trim chicken breasts and put in a Ziploc bag. Pound out breasts until thin. Lay on a greased baking sheet. Place a slice of provolone cheese onto each chicken breast. Add the spices (I rarely go by measurements when it comes to spices). Then add the spinach and feta cheese on top of that.
- Roll up and insert toothpick. Sprinkle salt and pepper to the tops.
- Cook for about 25 minutes or until no longer pink.
You Art Up My Life
Yesterday was amazing. I took the day off from my computer and just hung out with the kiddo. We both needed it. The weather was nice, so we even got to play outside. After playing around in the dirt, we came in and did some painting. While my tiny artist went to town on scrap sheets of paper, I had two old wooden picture frames that where in dyer need of sprucing up. The big guy didn't have glass inside of it so I just added a little clip on a nail so I can change out Adrienne's masterpieces when she creates something new. I don't know what I'm going to put in the blue frame. I sorta like the artsy look with nothing in it.
Here is a watercolor I painted when I was younger. It looks super amateur and doesn't show off my true artistic skills. But, my mom liked it enough to frame the thing, and I love it because of her.
When I was cleaning out my old room at my mom's, I came across my huge container of old nail polishes. Being the hoarder that I am, I just couldn't bare to throw them out. So, I splattered away. If you do something like this, do it outside. The fumes are something serious.
Below is a painting of William and his band that was painted live at during their music set at Wakarusa circa 2010. My music man is the one in the top left corner on the keys. The artist is Odenedo, and his stuff is pretty legit.
I feel like my camera just doesn't do any of these pieces of art justice. This city skyline is by J. Allen
A friend of ours did this picture of William's hands by exposing a negative and doing some other jazz to it that I can't remember. The black silhouette of my little fashion queen is by Tim "The Silhouette Man" Arnold. You can read my post about it here.
These two works of art are from my child. The one with the green mat is her first ever drawing. The second was done shortly after. The face in it is amazing. Picasso-esque, if you ask me.
And last, but not least, I melted some crayons through a hot glue gun onto a canvas. Super fun project. Not for the youngins. You can see how I did this here.
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