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Truly Sanctuary


I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend! I know I sure did. But now it's back to life, back to reality, or something of that nature. Double mehs.

On the agenda for today: talking about our newest sponsor, Truly Sanctuary. If you've been an avid reader of mine for a long while now, which all of you should, no excuses, you'd know how I love being comfy. Comfy foods, comfy beds, and most definitely, comfy clothing.

Long gone are the days where I wear three-inch heels, short skirts, and the dreaded midriff-baring shirts. Now my go-to friends are flats, leggings, and tees. Hello, I'm a stay at home mom. No need to feel sorry.

I'm in no way saying that I'm not fashionable. I'm not saying that I look like a frumpy-forty-year-old, either. I can still pass for twenty on any given day, but just a more put together version. Hey-oh.

So, when I teamed up with Truly Sanctuary this past spring, I pretty much fell in love with these guys. Being a wife slash husband duo, they have created an awesome t-shirt company jam packed full of awesomeness. Oh and plus also, they work from home, in sweats. Finger guns. ::pshew pshew::

Truly Sanctuary's graphic shirts are so crazy cool. And back to my comfort tangent, these shirts are so soft that you'll feel like a swaddled little baby for a complete second. And then you'll come to by doing that weird newborn arm flail. And cue awkward city.

So, do yourself a favor fav and check out Truly Sanctuary. Order some shirts for the whole fam. And check out all my other awesome sponsors on the right side of this here blog o' mine.


  1. I love these guys! I featured them on my blog too! I found them while doing a Groundhog's Day post. Best.Find.Ever.

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