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When I was twelve-years-old, I received my very own desktop computer, jam packed full of all the awesomeness that was Encarta '97, solitaire, and a thing called Internet Explorer. It was like the heavens opened and I was the chosen one. I had access to just about everything and anything I wanted. And at twelve-years-old that is both incredible and insanely scary at the exact same time.

I would stay on the net for hours and hours on yahoo chat asking a billion different people their "A/S/L?" Who knows who I was actually chatting with. And my parents had no idea what the internet was, let alone a chat room.

Fast forward eighteen years to present day. Now I have a five-year-old budding techie. She can navigate the internet to all her game sites and actually subscribes to her favorite YouTube channels. It's mind boggling. And, yet again, frightening.

We closely monitor her time on her laptop (yes, she has her own) and when she is on my iPad. But, on occasion, she will find her way to a video that will have a not-so-favorable word. And I have a feeling, it won't get any easier protecting her little eyes and ears from the world (wide web).

Plus, with me being a blogger, and her father being a web designer, our kid is destined for techhood. And before long, I'm sure, she will want her own form of Facebook, to chat with her little friends. And that's where this new company, HiFiKiddo, comes into play.

HiFiKiddo is basically a starter chatroom for the tiny-sized humans. It's a social media website and app where children can safely chat with their friends and family. And because HiFiKiddo is a COPPA compliant site (their privacy controls are so on point) children younger than 13 can join.

Another thing that HiFiKiddo offers is full parental control of their children's accounts. Parents must approve all incoming friend requests and can monitor all their children's actions. HiFiKiddo is basically "social networking on training wheels."

Be sure to check out HiFiKiddo on FacebookTwitter, and Pinterest

Disclosure: I was monetarily compensated in exchange for an honest 3-part review for HiFiKiddo. Compensation does not persuade my views or opinions on the subject of this blog post. 


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