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Oreo Bites [Revisited]

Ahhh! Just a little more than two weeks before Valentine's Day. I'm pretty down with the commercialized holiday. I love the pinks and reds, the flowers, and even the conversation hearts. And I especially love the chocolate. #chocolatesareforever

That said, Oreo bites are my go to Valentine's treat. They are ridiculously easy to make and taste delicious. I've made them the last few years, and they haven't failed me yet.

Oreo Bites
|| ingredients ||
1 bag Bite Size Oreos
3 tubs of Baker's Dipping Chocolate or Melting Chocolates
Sea Salt

- Cover a cookie sheet with parchment paper.

- Follow the directions on the tub of dipping chocolate. You basically put it in the microwave for about 30 seconds. When it's fully melted, put a few of the Oreo cookies in and give it a good stir. Get a pair of tongs and take the chocolate covered Oreos out and place them on the cookie sheet. Don't leave the Oreo cookies in the chocolate too long. They tend to melt.

- Sprinkle sea salt on every 6 or so Oreos.

- Done.


  1. كل ما تطمح إليه من إتقان وجودة عندما يتعلق الأمر بتنظيف منزلك أو مكان عملك، سوف تجده لدى شركة إبداع، التي تحرص على مطابقة احتياجاتك الفريدة بخدمات تنظيف دقيقة وتفصيلية وشاملة ، تتضمن العناية بكل جزء في ممتلكاتك ومنح أثاثك وأجهزة منزلك أعلى درجة من التنظيف والصيانة
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