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Annie Britches Giveaway [CLOSED]

Congrats Lucy S. for winning a set of twenty wipes from Annie Britches! A big thanks to everyone who entered!

Since I'm due in one month (what the ever loving what?!), I thought it would only be appropriate to have a baby related giveaway. For this second baby, we have decided to cloth diaper. I haven't talked about cloth diapering at all on my blog, because, well, I know nothing about it yet. I do know that I love the idea of cloth diapers being on my baby's bottom rather than a nasty, chemical laced disposable diaper. And if I'm cloth diapering, I might as well use cloth wipes.

I scoured Etsy looking for the perfect cloth wipes and found Annie Britches. They offer eco-friendly wipes made from flannel. I immediately was drawn to the set of cassette print wipes. How cool are those? So, Annie Britches sent me that set and a down-right adorable set of whale printed wipes.

These wipes came packaged perfectly, like a little cloth gift. Each wipe is super soft and seems durable (granted I haven't used them, yet). I'll be using these babies soon enough, though! #ahhhhhhh

I've also teamed up with Annie Britches to offer one lucky Coffee and Cashmere reader the chance to win a set of 20 cloth wipes in the print of their choice. Be sure to scroll all the way down to enter the giveaway!

For your chance to win 20 cloth wipes in your choice of print from Annie Britches, just log into the Rafflecopter below (or make a new Rafflecopter account), and follow the directions for each entry. Please make sure to actually do what's required for each entry. If you just click enter and not do what it's asking, I'll know. If you are unsure how to do one, skip it and contact me. I can't stress this enough. I go back and check to make sure the winner actually did what was required. I will not let cheaters win. DON'T CHEAT. Meh.

Congrats Lucy S. for winning a set of twenty wipes from Annie Britches! A big thanks to everyone who entered!

This giveaway will end Monday, March 9th, 2015. One winner will be picked at random via Rafflecopter. The winner will receive a set of 20 cloth wipes in their choice of print from Annie Britches. The winner will be announced on coffeeandcashmere.com and will also be notified via email. The winner will have ONE week to respond to the email to claim their prize. If the winner never responds, a second winner will be picked at random.

A big thanks to Annie Britches for creating eco-friendly stuffs!

Congrats to M.J.M for winning my last great giveaway.


  1. Your love day outfit us too cute! The skirt in particular is my favorite. :-)

  2. I love AnnieBritches, everything is just too cute! I just ordered A Set of 20 Flannel Wipes- Octopus's Garden/Sea Blue, I couldn't decide between them and the Electric yellow garden roses, so I had my 2 year old point to the set he liked. :)

  3. I was surprised after washing my Annie Britches wipes they were as soft and wonderful as they were before I used them!!

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