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Acorn Cookies Revisited

It's going to be pretty slow around these parts for the next two months. This move is really getting intense. I have three weeks to get my ish together (for real) and then unpack it all. Plus throw Thanksgiving, Adrienne's birthday, and Christmas somewhere into the mix.

Since my mind isn't in full on blog mode, but my blogging heart will always go on Celine Dion style, I'm going to be dropping in randomly with my favorite blog posts from the past. Don't worry, though, I will also still pump out some great giveaways, share my new favorite items, and give you the best gift-guides for the upcoming holiday season in between all the madness.

So, without further ado, I'm going to start off by sharing my favorite Thanksgiving treat, acorn cookies. These are really fun for little kiddos to put together and look great set out around a Thanksgiving table. Ohandplusalso, they are pretty yummy, too.

Go HERE for the recipe!


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