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Happy Halloween Guys!

It's storming pretty hard outside right now. And it's supposed to continue throughout the day and night. Joy of joys. One thing I love doing is trick or treating in the rain. Not. But, Adrienne has been waking up each morning for the past month straight asking if it was Halloween or not. I can't let this kid down. So, we will brave the torrential downpours and go.

I wanted to share this year's photos of Adrienne from the pumpkin patch, plus the previous years, because, well, it's sad and amazing all at the same time. Time, you are a B word.

4th Halloween
She was more into rolling the pumpkins more than anything.
jacket is children's place || shirt is custom appliqued || skirt is from walmart || shoes are old navy || american girl doll 

3rd Halloween
Adrienne loved looking at the pumpkins. She couldn't figure out why there were so many.
jacket is hema || shirt is from gap kids || pants and shoes are both garanimals

2nd Halloween
My kiddo enjoyed taste testing the pumpkins.
shirt and pants are from gap kids || shoes are sun-san || fairy costume is from the children's place

1st Halloween
She was too fat to do much of anything.
cupcake costume is from old navy || pink sparkly shoes are tender toes


  1. Looks like fun! That cupcake costume is adorable!

  2. Love it!!



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