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Halloween 4.0

Each year I tell myself I am not doing Halloween again. Ever. Sorry, kid. I'm done. And then by the time the next October comes around I'm all like, awe you are going to be so super duper cute in this outfit! Let's go trick or treating!

Then we do. And after my frizzled (is it too late for coffee, never mind, I'll take two bottles of pinot then) mind clears from the said hype of Halloween, I vow to never do it again, again

This Halloween it rained and poured, but I knew Adrienne's little heart would have been straight crushed if we didn't solicit candy from strangers at night. Because that always makes total sense. So, we braved mother nature and met up with her little friends. Everything started off fairly sane, but then it started getting harder and harder to keep up with our massive gang of tiny-sized humans.

By the end of the sugar fueled run, Adrienne was walking like a glossy-eyed zombie baby, while shoveling as much candy into her mouth as humanly zombiely possible. I was about to short circuit from stepping in twentybajillion puddles and, well, from the madness of it all. I was whining and over it. I needed to go back home. To my wine. And solitude. And we did.

Thanks, Halloween, for always being on point for parents.

Read about last year's Halloween by going HERE.

I once again put her Mud Pie tutu under her bumble bee costume, because we love the poof. Wings are from the Dollar Tree. She also wore Jefferies knee-high socks and Circo glitter shoes.

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