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Christmas 2013 Snippets

 Whelp, guys, I'm back. It's been a crazy, no wait, CRAZY past two months, and I'm so glad they are over. If you don't know something about me, it's this; I'm an absolute creature of habit. I despise change. I also love order. I like everything to have it's own place. I'm not a total OCD fruitloop, though. If stuff is messy, I'm okay with it. But when it's time to pick up, everything goes right back where it belongs.

So, when you throw the huge move into our new abode, plus Christmas, plus my kiddo's fourth birthday, plus dinner parties, I was pooped to the max. My anxiety level has actually just leveled out, most of my junk is unpacked and put in it's allotted spot, and the Christmas decor has been boxed back up.


Anyhoo, I wanted to share a few photos from when we put up our Christmas decor and also when we went to our local Christmas parade.

There will be plenty more holiday snippets to come!

1 comment:

  1. yay for Christmas! Looks like you had a fun one :) by the way, I just found your blog via instagram and I'm following you now via bloglovin! :) I just searched mommy bloggers so I could meet some new blogging mommy friends. lol. come say hi if you get a chance!


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