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My best girlfriend ever came to stay with us this past weekend! And what a weekend it was.

We have been best frands since the first grade. THE FIRST GRADE, PEOPLE. I don't know of too many folks that have had a friend that long. So, it's a pretty cool thing. I can remember laying our heads down on our desks after lunch in first grade to listen to the Teddy Bear's Picnic song ON A LEGIT RECORD PLAYER, because hello that was a long time ago. We would always get in trouble for whispering during that "quiet time" and would get moved. Hashtag ohtobeakidagain.

We were best friends all throughout grade school, middle school, and high school. We have experienced so many things together and have basically gotten to watch each other grow up. From playing Barbies, to playing Sonic the Hedgehog for hours on end, to harassing people on Yahoo chat, to for real marrying Taylor and Zac Hanson, to experimenting with makeup, to watching Total Request Live like our lives depended on it, to many road trips, to everything this twenty years of being besties has included, it's been real. Cheers.

I wish I would have gone through my older albums to find photos of us as youngsters. I was just too lazy last night. Plus, I wanted the humiliation at a decent level.

My twenty-sixth birthday bash.
Tenth grade Indians


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