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Cookie Clutter

I have spent the past two days cleaning. Yesterday was dedicated towards laundry. Yes, a full day. So many piles of clothes that I didn't even get to blog. Our house is officially closing in on me. If I asked my other two halves (does that make sense? notsomuch? I have never been good with fractions), they'd probably say the same thing, too. 

William and I have always had a ton of stuff. Then, we added a child into the mix, and gained a whole lot more extra necessities. A whole lot more. I can't blame our junk lair on our daughter. She sure didn't march her sassy bloomers into any store and drop money down on her KidKraft kitchen. Or my giraffe-print lamp shade. Or her daddy's Reebok high-tops. I did. I bought that stuff. Although, my little fashion queen sure would have looked cuter doing the buying.

My problem is the need to acquire things. Stuff that we don't actually need, but somehow I bring it home. When I am on the edge of the necessary and not so necessary cliff, I always resort back to my "I do need it" comfort zone. I have this impulse to buy when I see any sort of sale. Especially if I'm out antiquing or thrifting. Silver plated gravy pitcher? Can't find another one of these.. ever. Who am I kidding?!

 I am not on hoarder status, but borderline collector. Yikes. I don't even have a collection of one thing, like stamps. Just a collection of non-collectible items. I need to get my compulsive shopping in order. Good thing I tend to hibernate during the winter. No outings for me. So, before I get cozy for the night, here are some items that have found their way into our home as of late. Hey-oh.

My giraffe print lamp. I had to.

 The Core Bamboo salt and pepper holder. I needed this, right?

Melamine mixing bowls from a friend and a KidKraft mini playset.

Giraffe bangle from Target. I must have a thing for this animal now.

Glitter kitten heels. Brought these home from Walmart.

Two new reads.

Cache leather jacket. Another "had to."

Cups with saucers and charcoal portrait of my mother circa 1963, New York. Both sent from my Grandmother.

Mini ceramic piggy bank, painted by my little artist.

Okay, so the last three pictures were of priceless heirlooms that I most def need. The other things, I could live without. But, glad I don't have to.


  1. I love antique stores and thrift shops. Wish I could go every day. Actually, the other day, I found an antique mega mall and came home with a Darth Vader figurine that DOUBLES AS A FLASHLIGHT. And it makes Vader breathing noises and light saber sounds. I mean, come on--my life would not be complete if I hadn't bought it. Right?

    1. Haha!! Awesome score. You just never know what you will find when you go thrifting. That's my prob. I always find.

  2. Quality information we acknowledge your efforts to give us such type of magnificient information. Carry on this excellent work to aware us about changing with the passage of time.Thank you!
    Compulsive Shopping


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