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Weekend Wrap Up

Today starts a week of the hotness, sparklers, and BBQ. I'm fine with it. This will be Adrienne's first year to go watch the fireworks. I am super excited to see her reaction. Holidays are so magical when you are a kid or have a kid.

Last Friday we drove to meet family at William's grandmother's house. We love it there. She has a beautiful house out in the country. I enjoy the relaxation and good food there. Adrienne loves Grandmama's pool. She swam by herself for the first time! I didn't hold her once. She doggie paddled around with her water wings on like it was no big deal. She gets being a water baby from her daddy. I, on the other hand, am not a strong swimmer. I needs my life jackets. My child even jumped off the side of the pool into the water without being caught. She went underwater and popped right back up with a smile on her face each time. What was that, how did it happen, and how do I make it stop?

I had a moment of realization in the pool as I hovered around her like the over protective parent that I am. My baby isn't a baby anymore. She was telling me to move and to let her go. Really Adrienne? Let you go? You are two and a half. I will never let you go. You have a lifetime to get used to it. Real talk. 

Then I look at the photos below and see such a beautiful child that is growing up. I look at photos of her last July, where she could just barely toddle around. Now I have a different looking July version of my child and hot dang if I don’t bawl. Tears are welling up in my eyes again while I type this ish out. Sorry to get all sentimental and debbie downs on you guys, but it's what I do.

Okay, wiping my tears. I'd rather sprinkle glitter and post beautiful pics over the blogosphere, than dish out sappy "my kid is growing up" stories. So, without further ado, here comes the sparkle:

We had an amazing weekend. We got to hang out with our wonderful fam, I made it through the 3 mile walk, we ate some deliciously greasy hamburgers afterward, and then came home. Success.

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  1. Love the thrill on her face in the first photo. Miss having a toddler around. Happy 4th!

    1. That first photo is one of my all time favorites. The sheer joy of kiddiehood exudes from that picture. Hope you had a wonderful holiday, too!! Come back to visit anytime!


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