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It's my birthday. I have two more years of my twenties. I'm pretty bittersweet about it. I feel like crying, because, you know, it's my birthday and all. I can go right ahead and cry if I want to.

I jest. I'm not going to boohoo. I'll probably wine it up instead. Care to join me? Also, don't forget, I love presents.

Congrats Marlene T.! You are the winner of the Truly Sanctuary giveaway!! Lucky you! I will be contacting you asap! It's my birthday but I'm giving gifts? Whuut tha what?!!

A big thanks to everyone who entered! An even bigger thanks to my frands over at Truly SanctuaryThey make some awesome shirts. Plus it helps that the people churning out those shirts are pretty cool themselves. You can read about Truly Sanctuary by going HERE.

Check back tomorrow for another great giveaway! Much love you guys.


  1. Happy Birthday! I just had my 30th on Sunday! Don't worry, they say the 30s are best! xoxo
    -Morgan of Style Oyster

  2. I just nominated you for a Liebster award today on my blog! Check it out!
    -Morgan of Style Oyster


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