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Sponsor Highlight: Sophi Blu

"Sophi Blu offers classic children’s fashions as well as modern styles for the contemporary infant and toddler. [Jacqui] Maggio brings her artistic eye to the children’s retail market by introducing labels that are hip and fresh as well as classic.Conservative Sarah Louise smock dresses are placed alongside tunics from Pink Chicken and rockstar onesies by Mini Shatsu."
I just want to express how important our sponsors are. I spend a great deal of time on this blog, and these sponsors help me keep my passion alive. By my sponsors supporting me, and my readers checking out my sponsors and supporting them, it's a win win sitch. I believe Oprah would call that a full circle moment

I appreciate all the daily readers that come here for inspiration. Or the readers that come for the recipes. 

Or, there is also the star of this blog, my almost three year old with those cheeks. Those delicious cheeks that I have to bite on the regular. Readers probably come visit just to see her. She said today, "I like to eat chips, but not chipmunks." I die. 

And lastly, you might come here for humor. Because. This is my life that I'm documenting for the world to see. If there isn't laughter in it, well, I don't know what I'd do. I guess not laugh? Natch. And I cannot/will not do that.

I really don't know why you come read with me, but for whatever reason, I'm giving you a big, loud high five. And a HUGE thanks. And another thank you so very much to Sophi Blue. Seriously, you are going to want to click on that link. Hello adorable baby clothes that I wish come in a size 27t for me. 

If you are interested in advertising on Coffee and Cashmere, go HERE. Or you can just click on the CONTACTS tab under my blog's header. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at jade@coffeeandcashmere.com. I'll give you the low down on whatever your little heart desires.

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