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Sugar High

I was thumbing through one of my magazines and found an article on a book called "Whatever Happened to Pudding Pops?" I have wondered that same thing. Glad someone finally wrote about their disappearance. 

I started thinking back to all the candy from my childhood. Whatever happened to all these mouth-watering treasures?!

Pop Rocks. The experiments were endless.

Painterz gum. You know it is legit when there is a z instead of an s. These balls changed your mouth different shades. Always a plus. Maybe.

FruitStripe gum. Flavor lasted for half a minute. But, what a joyous half-minute. And let's not forget to mention those cool tattoos! Lick and stick!

Chiclets. Tiny party in a bag.

Candy Cigarettes. This is imaginative play at it's finest. I always love to see a five year old pretending to smoke a cig.

Candy Buttons. Loved these, but hated the paper that would get stuck on their backs. That defeated the whole purpose of teaching kids to NOT eat paper. 

Black Jack gum. My fav. Licorice flavored, so not for everyone.

Big League Chew. Fun times seeing who could get the most gum in their mouth.

Bubble Jug. Gosh, I used to down one of these at a time. The candy powder was deadly addictive. 

Nik-L-Nip. Waste of wax and whatever the liquid actually was inside. 

What were your favorite candies from way back when?!


  1. I preferred pure sugar dipped in sugar. Fun Dip!

  2. Yes!! I loved the stick you dipped in the powder. I used to eat just that.

  3. These were all definitely on my list. Pop Rox was my fave. Do you have Brewsters in Ox? They have a flavor called Cotton Candy Explosion...cotton candy ice cream with... Yes... Pop Rox in it! Totally delicious.


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